Outside Plant System Networks
Fiber to the Premise The Outside Plant System (OSP) represents all of the physical cables, equipment and locations outside of a building. In the example above , outside plant starts at the point at which the distribution cabling leaves the central office, and ends at the termination point on the outside of a premise receiving internet service. All of the physical, tangible assets that enable your network between two “inside” locations make up the outside plant network. It encompasses a wide array of components, including cables, conduits, cabinets, poles, and manholes, among others. OSP serves as the backbone that connects various network elements, such as cell towers, data centers, and central offices, enabling the delivery of services to end-users. The significance of OSP in telecom cannot be downplayed. It provides the necessary pathways for data and voice signals to travel from one point to another, enabling seamless connectivity and communication. OSP installations are cruci...