
Choosing between PABX or PBX Systems

  Before the PABX came along, businesses had to use human operators to connect calls by hand. The process was time-consuming and efficiency was lacking. PABX systems made this whole process automatic. PABX was originally designed to connect to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). This meant that all outgoing calls were routed through traditional telephone lines, which were managed by telecom companies. In time, as technology evolved, many PABX systems started transitioning to Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). PBX telephone systems were manually operated, requiring human operators to connect calls. When technology evolve, PABX systems emerged, automating the call routing process and adding more sophisticated features. In modern day, many PABX systems have transitioned to IP-PBX, which uses internet protocols for communication, offering even more flexibility and cost savings. Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) was made possible by the arrival of the capability to elec...

Small Cells | Microcell, Picocell and Femtocell

  Credit | Jeswin on Freepik   Small cells are low-powered cellular radio access points used for voice, video, and data transmission, designed to provide network coverage to smaller areas. These transmission points called “nodes” are placed close to end users, located in both indoors and outdoors, and operated in a licensed, shared, or unlicensed spectrum. Small cells are a form of infrastructure for handling very dense voice, video, and data traffic demands because they provide capacity, which allows for faster, more reliable wireless service. Small cells installed outdoors on city infrastructure like street lights, utility poles, and light poles will often already have power infrastructure in-place. While small cells deployed indoors can source power from the building in which they provide service. In outdoor settings, wireless microwave connections can also be used for the purposes of small cell back-haul, the method used to transport voice, video, and data traffic from a s...

Outside Plant System Networks

  Fiber to the Premise The Outside Plant System (OSP) represents all of the physical cables, equipment and locations outside of a building. In the example above , outside plant starts at the point at which the distribution cabling leaves the central office, and ends at the termination point on the outside of a premise receiving internet service. All of the physical, tangible assets that enable your network between two “inside” locations make up the outside plant network. It encompasses a wide array of components, including cables, conduits, cabinets, poles, and manholes, among others. OSP serves as the backbone that connects various network elements, such as cell towers, data centers, and central offices, enabling the delivery of services to end-users. The significance of OSP in telecom cannot be downplayed. It provides the necessary pathways for data and voice signals to travel from one point to another, enabling seamless connectivity and communication. OSP installations are cruci...

Why do the Philippines have slow internet?

  It isn't that the country's regulatory landscape makes it difficult for internet service providers to put up the necessary infrastructure.  Actually the approval of electronics systems designs and plans in the city and municipal areas isn't difficult, it was most likely because they could not enforce the law. And also corrupt government officials exploit this lack of enforcement to steal money from the telecommunication companies. The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), has released memorandum circulars on RA 9292, Electronics Engineering Law of 2004 regarding its implementation. The Local Government Units should already have a guide in formulating a unified and defined set of procedures in the releasing electronics permit and in the checking and approving of electronics system plans and designs. The country's regulatory landscape NEVER make...

An electronic engineer in the renewable energy sector

Photo Credits | Camila Fernández León Renewable energy are natural and self-replenishing, and usually have a low- or zero-carbon footprint. Examples of renewable energy sources include wind power, solar power, bio-energy (organic matter burned as a fuel) and hydroelectric, including tidal energy.  Renewable energy engineers develop and design systems to use energy from renewable resources, such as the sun, wind, and water. Renewable resources are energy sources that are naturally and continually replaced. They are alternatives to nonrenewable resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas that do not replenish themselves, and are environmentally destructive. It's crucial to gain specialized expertise. Focus on understanding the electronic components that are vital for renewable energy systems, such as inverters, which convert direct current (DC) from solar panels into alternating current (AC) for use in homes and businesses. Familiarize yourself with energy storage systems, ...

The Distributed Antenna System

  Photo Credits | Igor In a distributed antenna system (DAS), a single signal source is connected to a group of antennas instead of to a single antenna. A distributed antenna system is most often used to distribute cellular network coverage to heavily populated buildings, such as offices, high-rise apartments, shopping centers or sports stadiums. The Telecommunication facility is one of the major parts of the building utility to provide communications. The building owner shall provide space to house the telecommunication facility of the building. The distributed antenna system is part of the telecommunication facility of the building. The distributed antenna system, is an in-building solution comprising of a number of pico cells to provide wireless coverage and services using 2G. 3G, 4G, 5G, and even 6G wireless access technology. Definite number of antennas constitutes one single sector; this means that these set of antennas are strategically installed inside a building / compoun...

Telecommunications Facilities building premises codes and standards

Photo Credits | Wirestock on Freepik Within building premises, the importance of extra low voltage systems such as the cabling infrastructure  is similar to that of other fundamental building utilities  like heating, cooling, lighting, and main power. As with other utilities, interruptions to service can have a serious impact. Poor quality of service due to lack of design foresight, use of inappropriate components, incorrect or improper installation, poor administration or inadequate support can threaten an organization's effectiveness. The cabling infrastructure within premises comprised both the application specific and multipurpose networks. The initial Philippine Electronics Code volume II edition discusses rules and standards for the Electronics and Communications Industry in planning for building telephone facilities geared towards the lowest possible costs, consistent with aesthetic  and safe practices, and which will result in minimum maintenance, future re-arran...