How does Artificial Intelligence Affects Surveillance?


The good part of AI is that it can be trained to identify and learn patterns and parameters, similar to the human brain.

Machine learning and deep learning are both types of AI. With machine learning, systems embedded with AI can automatically adapt and learn from events without being explicitly programmed.

However, a machine can also be trained through program settings to follow a set of rules, i.e. algorithms, to give  advanced features when it comes to security.

Using behavioral analytics, a self-learning, A.I. takes the data from video cameras and continuously classifies objects and events that it sees. Take for example, a person crossing a street is one classification. A group of people is another classification.

AI algorithms can effectively detect anomalies, such as unattended bags or suspicious activities, and raise alerts in real-time, significantly reducing response times.

Using rule-based intelligence, AI and video analysis tools enable security teams to detect potential criminal and suspicious activity in advance and more proactively, to pre-empt possible events before they happen rather than reacting to situations.

AI tools employed by an organization can enable even more accurate monitoring and quicker incident spotting alongside intelligent analysis over large data sets. Reducing false positives and improving pattern recognition in decision-making processes are some aspects that AI adds to surveillance systems.

When CCTV video is recorded, captured and stored, it records hundreds of hours of video data which can be used and analyzed. The video footage can drive strategy and decision making, the ability and speed of detecting crime and suspicious behavior will become easier and faster, and surveillance and business operations are more streamlined and effective. In shopping malls or grocery stores, retailers are able to drive revenue growth with insightful footage and analytics, increasing customer loyalty, strategic decision making and improving customer service and their experiences.

AI software also provide heat maps which shows the volume of customers visiting certain areas, products or displays, as well as what products catch a customer’s attention and what amount of time is spent in a specific area.

Customers’ shopping behaviors and other parameters such as average times spent in-store including bounce or return to certain retail outlets, plus more insights are analyzed and gleaned combined with conversion calculations based on point-of-sale data and consumer volume.

CCTV can also be used to monitor vehicles, including monitoring busy car parking areas and areas where there are bottlenecks and issues, leading to potential overcrowding or accidents.

AI provides people counting and heat maps to identify trends and peak times, maximize staffing and operations and identify popular departments and products. CCTV gives observational opportunities when understanding how people move through a the premises, what they do and how they purchase.

Because there is less human error in surveillance and monitoring, the number of false alarms and wasted time looking at incidents is drastically reduced.

Artificial Intelligence ensures that security monitoring and decisions are based on facts, actions and actual visual evidence, rather than assumptions by security staff which could be wrong or biased.



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